What is Yoga?

Hatha is a branch of Yoga that uses physical force to preserve and channelize the vital energy in our body. Hatha Yoga is a recent addition to the traditional Patanjali’s 8-Limbed Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga) in the 12th century.

Hatha comes from two root words Ha meaning the Sun and Tha meaning the Moon. 

Just like an HVAC system that controls the temperature in your house with cooling and heating, the Sun and Moon aspects in our body controls various aspects of the mind and body.

The Sun aspect is called Pingala and is the source of heat and activity in our body. The right nostril breathing activates the masculine in our body. 

The Moon aspect is called as Ida and is the source of cooling and activates thinking in our body.  The left nostril breathing activates the feminine aspect of our body.

The goal of Hatha Yoga is to bring balance between these two energy channels or Nadis.

Body Postures (Asana), Breath control (Pranayama), Energy locks (Mudras & Bandhas), and Sound Meditation (Nada Anusandhana) are the essential components of Hatha Yoga.